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Care For your Well-being


Jamal, 42, Singapore


I used to have bloated stomach and suffered from constipation in the past 8 years. After taking 2 Soya Protein, 2 Lingzhi Fibre and 4 acto Berry 2 times daily for 45 days, my tummy fat and gastric acid improved and constipation is gone!


After taking Lingzhi Tea 3 sachets daily, I have radiant complexion. LingZhi Tea also helps to stop coughing and expel pathogenic heat!

Woe A Tu, 72, Medan


I used to have kidney dialysis 3 times per week.  After taking Shuanghor Lingzhi and drinking Lingzhi Tea daily, I don't have to do kidney dialysis any more!

In the 1st month, I consumed 4 capsules of Yung Kien Ganoderma and 8 capsules of Yung Kien Pollen while on my kidney dialysis routine 3 times per week. In the 2nd month, I consumed 16 capsules of Yung Kien Ganoderma and 25 capsules of Yung Kien Pollen while on my kidney dialysis routine 2 times per week. In the 3rd month, I consumed 16 capsules of Yung Kien Ganoderma and 25 capsules of Yung Kien Pollen while on my kidney dialysis routine 1 time per week. In the 4th month, my kidneys are functioning well and therefore I stopped doing kidney dialysis!

Yong Chin, 74, Singapore


My doctor gave me 18 months to live when I was diagnosed to suffer from colon cancer. I was then put under 6-month of chemotherapy. During the chemotherapy, I started to consume 10 capsules of Jia Hor Lingzhi and 14 capsules of Yung Kien Pollen daily. 3 months later, the doctor gives me a clean bill of health! So I continue to take 3 capsules of Jia Hor Lingzhi and 4 capsules of Pollen daily. 

Syed Mashor, Singapore


I had Dengue Fever in 2018. My platelet was down to 30! My nose was bleeding and also blood found in my stools. I was in hospital and felt so 'terrible' unwell. On the 4th day, I took 20 capsules of Jia Hor Lingzhi in the morning and in the evening, my platelet shot up to 180 counts! 

The next day, I was discharged !

Zahara, 52, Singapore


I used to have poor vision. I fell often even walking during day time. After taking 6 boxes of Lingzhi Tea (Oolong Tea), I can go out in the night without worrying of falling. I also sleep well and more energetic, feel calm!


I am a diabetic. There was once my left foot suffered from gangrene. I took 4 capsules of Lingzhi (Yung Kien 1) 3 times, 2 sachets of pollen and 2  sachets of soya protein daily. I also applied Lingzhi toothpaste mixed with 2 capsules of Jia Hor Lingozhi on my wound. After 8 months, my foot fully recovered!


I was the breast and spinal cancer survivor patient.

I was on wheel-chair for 4 years and  my doctor has gave up not to treat me and sent me to Hospice. But I did not want to give up so I started to take Lingzhi.

Now I can run and can go to tour with my husband!

Lee keng Ngiok, 36,Johor Bahru


My asthmatic condition had been troubling me for more than 2 decades since I was 11 years old. After taking LingZhi products for 3 months, no more recurrence of asthmatic attack!

1st week - after 1 week, my condition of difficulty in breathing and wheezing worsened.

Daily - 2 capsules of Lingzhi and 5 capsules of Pollen 3 times and 1 packet of Soya Protein powder, 1 packet of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre 3 times.

2nd week

Daily - 3 capsules of Lingzhi and 10 capsules of Pollen 3 times and 1 packet of Soya Protein powder, 1 packet of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre 3 times.

Collen Chan,Batu Pahat, Johor


I had suffered from gastric pain for many years. I started to take 2 packets of Soya Protein powder every morning for 2 months, I no longer have gastric pain. By the third month of the consumption, my weigh dropped from 60kg to 57kg. And today, my weigh is maintained at 52kg! !

Video Testimonial

1. Recovered Covid-19 patient - Mr Clement Anthony was hospitalised suffered drop in his oxygen level took Shuang Hor Lingzhi for a week and his oxygen level becomes normal.

2. Cancer survivor - Ms Grace suffered overian cancer took Shuang Hor Lingzhi for 5 days already has much improvement in her health after completing the 6-course of chemo therapy